
Feed Forward Neural Net

In this article, we will walk through an example of a classification problem that is more complex. For this approach, we will be implementing a simple feed-forward neural network to determine the classes. I would recommend using an environment such as Google Colab that can run Jupyter Notebooks …

Cartesian Product

This article covers a topic in discrete mathematics that often goes unnoticed in data science and data visualization. Here I will attempt to show the relevance of the cartesian product in what we do as data scientists. NOTE: The author assumes basic understanding of set notation, and a grasp of …

Distance Metrics for KNN

NOTE: all figures in this post were made by the author using \(\LaTeX\), numpy, and matplotlib We use distance formulas in \(k\)-NN to determine the proximity of data points in order to make predictions or classifications based on the neighbors. There are many ways to measure similarity, along with …