Hello! I'm

Steven Lasch

A data-driven professional

Dedicated to creating data-driven products. Proficient in data visualization, data aggregation, and machine learning.

About Me

I am a data scientist with a passion for creating data-driven products. I have a background in data science and mathematics, and I have a strong interest in AI and its intersection in natural language processing. I also love being outdoors, whether it be road biking, hiking, or camping. Here's a few technologies I'm most comfortable with, and have professional experience working with:
  • Python
  • SQL
  • Tableau
  • OpenAI API
  • Microsoft Suite
  • Jupyter Notebooks


Senior Data Analyst - Innovation Entente Lab
June 2023 - May 2024
I worked as a data analyst at Mercyhurst University’s IEL in Erie, PA. I work projects that use data-driven insights to aid small businesses in the greater Erie area.
Data Scientist - Mercyhurst University CIRAT
Apr 2022 - May 2024

I participated in several projects and internships through Mercyhurst’s CIRAT program, and most recently I have taken a team lead position, where my team and I successfully developed and deployed a chatbot for the CIRAT website.

  • Participated in the creation of a demo chatbot to answer faculty FAQ.
  • Assisted in creating a quality assurance mechanism for easy chatbot updating.
Data Scientist - Empower AI
Apr 2022 - Apr 2023

I worked as a contracted data scientist for Empower AI. For this project, we were tasked with creating a programming language translator from legacy languages such as Cobol, PowerBuilder, and Fortran into modern ones such as Java, C, and Python.

  • Aided in the scraping of open-source code repositories.
  • Cleaned scraped repositories for standardization for ease of use in machine learning training.
  • Achieved model accuracy of 92 percent.
Computer Science Tutor - Mercyhurst University
Sep 2021 - present
I worked as a computer science tutor during college. I tutored students in Python programming concepts such as data analysis, data visualization, data structures, and algorithms. I tutored between 5 and 10 students on a weekly basis.


2020 - 2024
Bachelor of Science in Data Science
Mercyhurst University
GPA: 4.0 (cumulative)


HVAC Website Development
Hugo Web dev Google Analytics
HVAC Website Development
For this project, I developed a website for David Lasch Heating & A/C, a small HV/AC business from Conneautville, PA. I worked with them to create a website that implements Google Analytics to track website impressions, page visits, and other data regularly.
Typing Data Analysis
Python Data viz Data analysis
Typing Data Analysis
This project helped me to appply my knowledge of data collection via dynamic web scraping. I used it to export my typing data as a CSV file, where I then uploaded it to my GitHub repository. After this, I developed a dashboard application that I coded in Python.
Fatal Force Data Analysis
Python Data viz Data analysis
Fatal Force Data Analysis
For this project, I collected fatal police shootings data from open-source repositories, standardized the data, and developed a Python dashboard displaying the results. This project taught me about web development through HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!